Clubs & Organizations

IBC has a variety of graduate and undergraduate student organizations and clubs. Our goal is to develop students as competitive leaders of their organizations to become effective leaders in society.

Students Union

The International Business College Youth League Committee (YLC) and Student Union (SU), which consists of the organization department, propaganda department, administrative department, self-discipline supervision department, learning department, arts department, sports department, life department and public relations department, plays an important role in serving students. Meanwhile, it works as an efficient and effective communication channel between IBC management and students.

IBC Media

The Media Centre of International Business College was founded in 2016, and consists of six departments including the Media Office, Post-Editorial Department, Graphic Design Department, Image Acquisition Department, Network Operation Department and Printed News Department. The Media Centre provides technical support in photography, camera shoots and post-processing of videos for various collegiate activities, and takes responsibility for operating the official microblog and WeChat Public Platform.

The Media Centre of International Business College (IBC) aims to be an organization which is warm, professional, full of creativity, and provides a platform for more students to showcase their talents and abilities.

Learning-Research Contest Association

The Association organizes learning and research activities, contests and training programes, to promote students’ extracurricular professional competence and comprehensive capability.

• Organizing and/or planning various academic and teaching research contests: it once organized and planned “CITIC Bank Cup” Financial Product Creative Design Competition, and “CITIC Securities Cup” Finance and Securities Investment Simulation Competition; it also organized 2017 CIMA Global Business Challenge Final in North China.

• Assisting the College in organizing various learning and research activities, such as reading seminar, studying in enterprises, and showcasing talents .
