Clubs & Organizations

• Youth League Committee & Student Union:

The International Business College Youth League Committee and Student Union (YLCSU), which consists of the organization department, propaganda department, office, self-discipline supervision department, learning department, arts department, sports department, life department and public relations department, plays an important role in ensuring that the Student Union runs effectively,so as to provide the College and students with a variety of essential services.

• Teaching Research Contest Association:

The Teaching Research Contest Association of International Business College, founded in 2016, is a goal-oriented organization made up of active students and supported by the college. The Association is a small-sized elite organization built on a human-based model, consisting of three basic positions: Presidency, Directorate and Internship. All association members subject themselves to the administration of the president, and do various work under the instruction of the college. The Association organizes teaching research activities, contests, and training in a bid to enhance students’ extracurricular professional competence and comprehensive quality. In addition, the Association organizes activities and contests to provide students of superior talent with a higher, broader platform from which to improve themselves.

• Media Centre:

The Media Centre of International Business College, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics was founded in 2016, and consists of six departments including the Media Office, Post-Editorial Department, Graphic Design Department, Image Acquisition Department, Network Operation Department, and Printed News Department. The Media Centre provides technical support in photography, camera shoots and post-processing of videos for various collegiate activities, and takes responsibility for operations of the official microblog and WeChat Public Platform, to ensure that various collegiate activities are promoted efficiently. Each department of the Media Centre performs its own functions and communicates closely with one another in order to fully promote the most important activities and events of the college. The Media Centre adheres to the ideal of serving students and the college wholeheartedly, and provides a platform for aspiring, competent students to improve themselves. The Centre takes a fully positive and prudent attitude towards work, in a bid to demonstrate the most unique and elegant demeanor of the college.

Student Activities

Career Developmet

  • The graduates from International Business College (IBC) of Dongbei University of Finance & Economics are highly appreciated by leading global enterprises because of their sound financial background, extraordinary innovative practical ability, and broad international perspective.

  • International Business College seeks various forms of cooperation with major enterprises, and provides our students with multiple internship and employment opportunities by holding career fairs, providing internship opportunitiers, and disseminating employment information.

Career Fairs

  • Venue: Shuyin building, International Business College, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics

  • Way of application: Please send your corporate profile, recruitment information and scanned business license to, with your contact information, name and phone number attached to the email, so that we can get in touch with you easily.

Release of Enterprises’ Recruitment Info

  • Release platform: International Business College, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics releases recruitment information to undergraduates and postgraduates regularly on the “International Business College Career Development Center’s” WeChat Public Platform. More than 5,000 people have joined the WeChat Public Platform.

  • Way of application: Please send your corporate profile, recruitment information and scanned business license to, with your contact information, name and phone number attached to the email, so that we can get in touch with you easily.

If you have other ideas for cooperation in supporting students in practice and employment, please call 0411-84711297
The International Business College Career Development Center and Alumni Work Department is located in: Shuyin Building (room 506) International Business College, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, Dalian, China

At present, there are 6 Chinese-Foreign cooperative programs in IBC. Students are jointly educated by two universities at home and abroad. They study at IBC for the first two years and then in foreign cooperative universities for their remaining two years. Those who meet the graduation requirements can acquire a bachelor’s degree from both DUFE and the foreign cooperative university. In May and October of 2006, the Ministry of Education sent an expert group twice for field assessment on the ability of IBC to undertake international cooperative education. They fully affirmed the project and mode of international cooperative education. In 2011, the Ministry of Education organized once again the assessment on Chinese-foreign cooperative education projects, and IBC passed it with top scores in its program management, academic performance, student satisfaction, social efficiency, etc. The DUFE-Curtin Accounting program was one of the first programs that had won the authentication from China Education Association for International Exchange in 2016.
