According to the China University Subject Ranking (CUSR) released by China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) in December 2017, DUFE is ranked as Grade A in Applied Economics, A- in Business Administration and Statistics. Additionally, IBC’s programs in accounting, economics, finance and statistics are all included in the three top subjects.

China University Subject Rankings (CUSR) evaluate the subjects of universities and colleges in Mainland China in accordance with the Subject Catalogue of Degree Awarding and Personnel Training approved by the Ministry of Education. It is a non-profit program organized by China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Centre (CDGDC) as an independent legal entity. Commenced in 2002, CUSR has completed four rounds of evaluations as of 2017. The 4th CUSR was launched in April 2016 under the principle of “voluntary and free participation”, and there were 7,449 subjects from 513 universities and colleges applied. Combining objective calculation of data and peer review, a number of innovations have been made in the 4th CUSR in response to previous experiences. The data comes from officially released information for public use and the materials submitted by the universities and colleges for evaluation, both of which are subject to vigorous verification by CDGDC. Its results were first sorted into “grades” by the percentile of the overall score, and IBC scored within the top 70% of each subject. The result in each subject has 9 grades: A+ for the top 2% (or top 2) , A for 2%~5% (2% excluded, the same below), A- for 5%~10%, B+ for 10%~20%, B for 20%~30%, B- for 30%~40%, C+ for 40%~50%, C for 50%~60% and C- for 60%~70%. CUSR aims to assist the participating universities and institutions to ascertain the merits and demerits of their coursework and provides relevant information for national graduate education.

IBC has established a unique talent-cultivation system with reference to international certification standards, and has launched competitive undergraduate and master programs for cultivating internationalized and practice-oriented multi-talented graduates in economic management.

In addition to three Masters’ programs, IBC offers eight undergraduate major programs, including six cooperative foreign exchange programs, and two specialized degree programs.

With the approval of the Ministry of Education, IBC launched six Chinese-foreign cooperative programs which allow double-major degree studies. The international double-major degree programs have proved to be a great success, producing graduates with promising career prospects, while gaining IBC a reputation for teaching excellence among partner universities.

Established in August 2002, International Business College (IBC) of Dongbei University of Finance & Economics (DUFE) implements exploratory partnership practices in international higher education under the guidance of our “Going Global” development strategy. Grounded in China, IBC focuses on the international job market and offers students Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree programs. IBC participates in Sino-foreign cooperative programs to partner with established foreign universities, with a view to providing Chinese students with complete, inclusive and diversified education resources brimming with both Chinese and foreign characteristics. We are committed to cultivating innovative and interdisciplinary business talents among our students, to providing them with international vision, cross-cultural communication skills, proficiency in foreign languages, and a strong base of professional knowledge. IBC strives to motivate our students to become innovation-oriented inter-disciplinary leaders who think independently and bravely, undertake social responsibilities, and can meet the needs of a rapidly changing international talent market. Currently, IBC offers six Sino-foreign cooperative education programs approved by China’s Ministry of Education, as well as two independent Bachelor-degree Programs––Bachelor of Accounting (CPA Australia) and Bachelor of Finance (CFA)

International Business College (IBC), in partnership with international authoritative organisations, such as CPA Australia, and CFA Institute, is proud to offer three specialized masters degree programmes: the Masters of Business Data Analysis (Applied Statistics), the Masters of Finance (CFA), and the Masters of Professional Accounting (CPA, Australia), which offers both full-time and part-time curriculum.

The programme in Business Data Analysis is offered to meet market demand for the application of data analysis methods to the solution of practical financial management issues. Graduates will demonstrate high-quality professional management skills and the ability to statistically process and analyze company projects to increase optimum outcomes.

The accounting and finance programmes are designed to give students a global perspective and prepare them for a productive career using cutting-edge knowledge and high-calibre skills.  Graduates will possess good professional moral qualities, an international outlook, the ability to solve practical problems, and the theoretical knowledge and skills that define contemporary mainstream accounting and finance. 

Considering the favourable geographic location of the Liaoning International Business Talent Training Base, a training centre was duly incorporated in Dongbei University of Finance & Economics (DUFE) in September 2011 with the official approval of CPA Australia. The centre, which was built by the International Business College (IBC) of DUFE and is now in its charge, is the first Australian CPA program training centre in Northeast China. The training centre is qualified to conduct training from the foundation level to the professional level to help students learn CPA Australia courses and obtain the qualification.

In December 2012, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics (DUFE) signed a contract with the CFA Institute, becoming the seventh CFA program partner on the Chinese mainland. As such, the International Business College (IBC) has established a CFA course training centre: the Liaoning International Business Talent Training Base. The training centre adopts a curriculum system compatible with the CFA test, and invites senior teachers of finance at DUFE and experienced part-time teachers to give students guidance on the test and practice to help them pass the test.

The Global Institute of Management and Economics (GIME) offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in business administration and tourism management, both of which are taught in English. At present nearly 100 international students from 32 countries are studying at the institute, which began to offer bilingual undergraduate courses in business administration in 2016. GIME maintains a cooperative relationship with Hofstra University in America, Nottingham Trent University in Britain, Mainz University in Germany and many other universities, and offers exchange programs as well as summer programs every year.
